This is a pure off line helper on android smart TV, and it can help you to check os/hardware info, CPU/RAM/Netowrk/Disk usage.The pure helper can browse external files directly, and help to uninstall the big apps.If you want to show local image/gif/video on smart TV, you can use the my show to do it easy.Its easy to import your image/gif/video from U disk into the app storage via my show, then you can show them off line.The step:1. Import image/gif/video into app storage;2. Manage the inner image/gif/video, and you can delete the unused;3. Sort the image/gif/video;4. Selected the image/gif/video, and play them on your smart TV.Attention: If you didnt approve read external disk storage permission, the app cant import image/gif/video into it and cant show them.